Congratulations to the Centre’s newest graduates!
Nineteen newly minted MIRHRs convocated on June 14th: Noureen Ali, Lorena Cevallos Salinas, Evelyn Chan, Pavi Chandrasegaram, Katyani Chawla, Shira Druker, Carmine Fisico, Danielle Goitanich, Senka Grahovac, Alexandra Hallahan, Robert Iacobucci, Jessica Ianuzzi, Ella Jaworski, Eva Kapnoudhis, Qian Lan, Michelle Lederman, Maggie Lee, Catherine McKinnon, and Nicole Shigeishi. Congratulations, all!
Alexandra Hallahan is the June 2018 winner of the Frank Reid Prize. Every June, the prize is presented at convocation to the top graduating student from the 2-year MIRHR degree program. The prize will be awarded again in November to the top graduating student from the 12-month MIRHR degree program. Congratulations Alexandra!
The Centre’s newest doctoral graduate, Elham Marzi, convocated On June 7th. Elham’s thesis is titled “The Role of Emplowerment on the Relationship between Flexible Work Arrangements, Work Life Balance, and Job Satisfaction in the Canadian Public Sector” (supervisor Prof. Gary Latham). Elham has begun a position at U of T Engineering as Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream). Congratulations, Dr. Marzi!