MIRHR Timetables and Course Enrolment

Timetables will continue to be updated as new information becomes available.

The date for Fall and Winter Course Enrolment is August 15, 2023.      

Summer 2024 MIRHR Timetable Posted December 4, 2023

Fall 2024 MIRHR Timetable Updated July 11, 2024

Winter 2025 MIRHR Timetable Updated April 11, 2024

Summer 2025 MIRHR Timetable Posted April 11, 2024

PDF icon2024-2025 Instructions for Graduate Course Enrolment on ACORN.pdf​​ – Posted June 12, 2024

Please note that not all elective courses that are listed in the calendar are offered every year. Some courses are offered only in alternate years, and availability may be subject to change due to such factors as faculty research leaves and departmental resources. With the exception of required courses, we are unable to guarantee access to courses offered outside the Centre. PhD course offerings are available on a separate schedule.

Each student’s program of studies must be approved by the Co-ordinator of Graduate Studies. If chosen courses appear to overlap to a large degree, approval may be denied.

Please notify the CIRHR at cir.info@utoronto.ca of any timetable problems.

KEY to Course Numbers and Prerequisites

IRE 1630H Negotiation Skills, Theory and Practice (PR)
  • The first three letters indicate the department offering the course.
  • The four numerals represent the course number. Note that a number string beginning with 1 does not always represent a first year or introductory-level course. The example above is an elective course in the MIRHR program that may be taken by all students who satisfy the course prerequisite.
  • The next letter represents the course weighting: H = half course (.50 credit), Y = full course (1.0 credit).
  • (PR) signifies there is a course prerequisite. Check the timetable for details.

Other U of T graduate students

Students currently registered in a graduate program at the University of Toronto are eligible to apply for enrolment in IRE graduate courses if space is available and the student has met any stated prerequisites.

Enrolment Requests from Other U of T Graduate Students (PDF)

Graduate students from other universities

The CIRHR does not offer non-degree study. IRE courses are not available except for those graduate students who have been approved to participate in an official exchange program. To determine if your university has an official agreement in place with the University of Toronto, please contact your graduate office. Examples of such agreements include the Ontario Visiting Graduate Student (OVGS), and the Canadian University Graduate Transfer Agreement (CUGTA).