Mentorship Coffee Chats provide MIRHR students with an informal opportunity to connect with the professional community to learn more about the field of Human Resources and Industrial Relations, gain first-hand knowledge of possible career opportunities, and learn from the experiences of graduates who have gone on to successful careers in the field.
Some of the benefits:
- Build new personal and professional networks.
- Gain exposure to current professional practices and trends.
- Increase understanding of the industry/organizations.
- Develop practical skills and confidence to enter profession.
How It Works
Students submit an application in November and are matched with a mentor based on their career goals and interests. At least two meetings are required between January and March. Discussion topics are suggested and CIRHR staff guidance is provided to students on an ongoing basis.
First contact by January 31st
Mentor and Mentee determine method and frequency of contact. Suggested topics include: resume feedback, discussion of career goals and strategies. What are the desired outcomes for both the Mentee and Mentor?
Second contact by February 28th
Further discussion of career goals, industry standards, skills to succeed in the organization as well as suggestions for professional growth. Assess whether desired outcomes are being met.
If you are a current student who is interested in meeting with a mentor, or a potential mentee who is interested in meeting with a current MIRHR student, please contact Kathleen Leon at