The Centre strives for excellence in education by providing financial support to as many meritorious students as available funds permit. The primary criteria for awards are academic excellence and financial need. Only full-time students are eligible.
The School of Graduate Studies awards website contains comprehensive information about federal, provincial and other award programs as well as details about grants and emergency loans. The School has trained counsellors who can provide students with financial and debt counselling and appointments can be scheduled in person, via email or telephone.
University of Toronto Awards Explorer - this tool can help you explore the diverse funding opportunities that recognize your achievements and financially support your studies.
MIRHR Awards Policy
Full-time students with first class standing in the last two years of university-level study are automatically considered for entry scholarships. Since funding is limited the Centre is not able to offer financial support to all eligible or meritorious students.
PhD Awards Policy
The University of Toronto offers a PhD Funding Guarantee.
CIRHR, OSOTF, Black and Indigenous Awards
More information about non-entry CIRHR awards and OSOTF Awards
SSHRC and OGS Awards
Information about applying for SSHRC and OGS funding
Teaching Assistant Positions
Students in the MIRHR and PhD programs who have a strong academic background that includes completion of advanced courses in labour relations, organizational behaviour and other areas of human resources, can apply for teaching assistant positions in undergraduate courses offered through the CIRHR, UofT Scarborough, and UofT Mississauga. Application forms are available online during the summer and CIRHR students will receive notice via email when positions are posted.
The collective agreement (CUPE Local 3902, Unit 1) requires that hiring preference be given to graduate students and that doctoral students employed as teaching assistants during previous academic session be offered continuing employment.
Research Assistant Positions
Throughout the year opportunities will arise for students to work as research assistants for faculty, and occasionally for people outside the Centre. The work could include such tasks as library research, data compilation and calculations, and computer work. Pay rates vary based on the nature and funding of the project and the type of work performed.
Information about on-campus and other employment opportunities is available through the University of Toronto Career Centre, including information about the University of Toronto’s Work-Study Program. The approximate value of a work-study position is $2,000.