Inclusive Design for Employment Access (IDEA) is a social innovation laboratory that identifies, develops, evaluates, and disseminates tools and resources that address critical needs of organizations in their efforts to be inclusive workplaces. The project is supported by the Government of Canada's New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF), in association with McMaster University, the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, and the Institiute for Work and Health.
Our IDEA is about social innovation. It is about advancing transformational change in employer capacity to hire and promote persons with disabilities and create more accessible and inclusive workplaces.
- Dr. Emile Tompa, IDEA Executive Director
To help create stronger and more diverse labour markets that include persons with disabilities through evidence-informed policy and practice.
To see every workplace in Canada have the capacity to recruit, hire, onboard, retain, mentor and promote persons with disabilities across the full range of employment opportunities.
Inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility in all areas of society, particularly in strong and diverse labour markets where all persons have equal opportunities in careers, jobs and work.