CIRHR Job Postings

The postings for academic jobs at the CIRHR are grouped by

  • Position (Course Instructor, Sessional Lecturer or Teaching Assistant),
  • Teaching level (undergraduate or graduate), and
  • Bargaining unit (CUPE 3902 Unit 1 – current U of T students and postdoctoral fellows or CUPE 3902 Unit 3 – sessional lecturers)

Note:  Positions for Academic Administrator, Tenure, Teaching Stream and Limited-Term Appointments of one year or longer are posted here.

For academic positions of less than one year (non CIRHR courses), please review contract academic staff postings or contact the hiring department directly.

CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Opportunities - Teaching Assistant (Undergraduate and Graduate) and Course Instructor positions (Undergraduate)

Current UNDERGRADUATE Course TA Postings:
There are no TA positions for undergraduate courses currently posted.
When postings are listed: Click the "posting link" for detailed information about the postings for each course (course schedule and delivery method, TA hours and number of positions available, etc). 

Application Instructions: Submit an application to Tanya Pitel, via email at:  Enter "Unit 1 TA - [Course code(s)]" in the subject line.  The CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Application Form must be included or we cannot consider your application.  Please be sure to indicate the University of Toronto program and level of study (eg. undergraduate, MA/MIRHR, PhD) in which you are enrolled. Please include academic transcripts and current cv (students who completed their undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto do not need to send transcripts if they include their student number on the form).  Please only submit one application form; if applying for more than one TA position, please list them all on one form.  PDF documents are preferred, and merged into a single file in this order: 1. Unit 1 Application Form; 2. cover letter (optional); 3. cv; 4. transcripts or other info.  Late or incomplete applications may not be accepted.  


Current GRADUATE Course TA Postings
There are no TA positions for graduate courses currently posted.  
When postings are listed: Click the "posting link" for detailed information about the postings for each course (course schedule and delivery method, TA hours and number of positions available, etc). 

Application Instructions
Submit an application to Tanya Pitel, via email at:  Enter "Unit 1 TA - [Course code(s)]" in the subject line.  Indicate the University of Toronto program and level of study (eg. undergraduate, MA/MIRHR, PhD) in which you are enrolled. Please include academic transcripts and current cv. Students who completed their undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto do not need to send transcripts if they include their student number on the form.  Please only submit one application form; if applying for more than one TA position, please list them all on one form.  PDF documents are preferred, and merged into a single file in this order: 1. Unit 1 Application Form; 2. cover letter (optional); 3. cv; 4. transcripts or other info.  Late or incomplete applications may not be accepted.


Current UNDERGRADUATE Course Instructor Postings: 

The following CI positions are currently posted for the 2025 summer sessions.  These postings will close at midnight on Friday, March 21, 2025.

IRE242H1F  HRM for IR and HR Professionals   POSTING LINK
This course explores the relationship between human resource management, employment relations, and industrial relations. Extensive practical course work will expose students to the functions human resource professionals execute to recruit, select, compensate, train, and evaluate the performance of employees. The course prepares students for advanced HR topics in upper level IRE courses.

IRE347H1S  Training and Development   POSTING LINK
The role of training and development initiatives in organizations. Students acquire the knowledge and skills to conduct a training needs assessment, identify training objectives, explore strategies to increase the transfer of training, design and deliver a training activity using various training methodologies, and evaluate its effectiveness.

When Posted: See the Posting Link for more information, and then use the Unit 1 Application Form and follow the instructions below on how to apply.

Application form:  PDF iconCourseInstructorApp_Unit1.pdf

A complete application consists of:

  • Completed Course Instructor application form - do not list "refer to resume/CV" in the application sections 
  • Cover letter
  • CV

Submit application and cover letter to Silvia Cocolo, via email at: Enter "Unit 1 CI - [Course code, Session]" in the subject line.  You may submit one application form for one or more undergraduate Course Instructor opportunities in CIRHR.   Late or incomplete applications may not be accepted.


Current GRADUATE Course Instructor Postings: 

No Course Instructor position is currently posted for graduate courses.  When Posted: See the Posting Link for more information, and then use the Unit 1 Application Form and follow the instructions below on how to apply.

Application form:  PDF iconCourseInstructorApp_Unit1_2024.pdf

A complete application consists of:

  • Completed Course Instructor application form - do not list "refer to resume/CV" in the application sections 
  • Cover letter
  • CV

Submit application and cover letter to Tanya Pitel, via email at:  Enter "Unit 1 CI - [Course code, Session]" in the subject line.  You may submit one application form for one or more graduate Course Instructor opportunities in CIRHR. Late or incomplete applications may not be accepted.


CUPE 3902 Unit 3 Opportunities - Sessional Lecturer Opportunities

Current Postings:

There are no Undergraduate Sessional Lecturer Positions currently posted. 

Application Instructions:  Applicants must submit an updated curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching in the relevant area (including student evaluations, if available), and the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 application form.  Enter “CUPE 3902 Unit 3 application: IRE342H1S Essentials of Finance and Accounting” in the email subject line.  Every section of the application must be completed.  Please do not state ‘refer to CV’ on the application form. Do not apply to this posting via the Success Factors site.  
Applications must be sent to: c/o Silvia Cocolo, Program Coordinator (UG) 


Continuously-Posted Notice Filling Positions Under the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 Collective Agreement

General Information
Hiring decisions for courses offered during the Fall, Winter and Summer sessions are usually made by the preceding June. However some decisions may be made earlier or later than these time frames, depending on circumstances. Unexpected vacancies may arise at any time.Instructors who have taught for the Centre in the past 24 months and persons who have submitted a CV and application within the past 24 months will be included in the departmental pool. These individuals will receive by email notices of CIRHR job postings and should ensure their contact information is current.This notice is posted pursuant to the CUPE Local 3902 Unit 3 Collective Agreement. Please note that in accordance with that Agreement, preference in hiring is given to qualified persons advanced to the rank of Sessional Lecturer II or Sessional Lecturer III by the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources.


There are no Graduate Sessional Lecturer Positions currently posted. 
When positions are posted: see the Posting Link for more information, and then use the Unit 3 Application Form and follow the instructions below on how to apply.

PDF iconUNIT-3-Application-Form.pdf

HOW TO APPLY: All individuals interested in one or more positions must submit a Curriculum Vitae and the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 application form. Applications should be addressed to Professor Rafael Gomez, Director, CIRHR and emailed to t.pitel@utoronto.caPlease send one application form per course that you are applying to -- do not list multiple courses on the same form.  Continuously-Posted Notice Filling Positions Under the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 Collective Agreement.

General Information

Hiring decisions for courses offered during the Fall, Winter and Summer sessions are usually made by the preceding June. However some decisions may be made earlier or later than these time frames, depending on circumstances. Unexpected vacancies may arise at any time.Instructors who have taught for the Centre in the past 24 months and persons who have submitted a CV and application within the past 24 months will be included in the departmental pool. These individuals will receive by email notices of CIRHR job postings and should ensure their contact information is current.This notice is posted pursuant to the CUPE Local 3902 Unit 3 Collective Agreement. Please note that in accordance with that Agreement, preference in hiring is given to qualified persons advanced to the rank of Sessional Lecturer II or Sessional Lecturer III by the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources.