Collective Bargaining in the Professional Women’s Hockey League

When and Where

Monday, September 23, 2024 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm



The CIRHR is pleased to be co-sponsoring this panel discussion on the new Professional Women’s Hockey League, including the process of negotiating the first collective agreement, gender equality issues in professional women’s hockey, and the legal implications of cross-border collective bargaining in professional sports. A reception will follow for those attending in-person. For more information, please review the PDF iconPWHL Event Flyer.pdf.

This event is co-sponsored by the ILR Scheinman Institute, ILR School, York University and CIRA/ACRI.

Speakers Panel:

Brianne Jenner: Captain of the PWHL Ottawa Charge, board member of the PWHL Players Association, two-time Team Canada Olympic hockey gold medalist.

Digit Murphy: Contributions to Professional Women’s Hockey development in Canada, USA and China. Brown University hockey coach 20+ years.

David Doorey: Professor of Law and Director of the Sports Management Program at York University, Toronto.


Kelly Pike: Associate Professor of Industrial Relations at York University, ILRee and Cornell women’s hockey alum.