The Opportunities of Highly Integrative Basic and Responsive Research | CIRHR Research Seminar with Marc-David Seidel

When and Where

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm


Marc-David Seidel, University of British Columbia


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Current prototypical innovation systems rely on a linear model where innovation starts with basic research. This is typically followed by applied research and development to translate and implement innovations in society. In this talk I will discuss the challenges of the current model and the potential alternative of Highly Integrative Basic and Responsive (HIBAR) Research, which encourages research that is simultaneously basic and responsive to societal challenges.

I frame the issue as a public policy opportunity, given recent legislative advances, to support minor cultural changes in the research ecosystem that can greatly enhance societal outcomes. Organizational theorists and other social scientists have a critical role to play in designing the organizational and policy interventions around this effort.

Marc-David L. Seidel is the RBC Financial Group Professor of Entrepreneurship, Director of the W. Maurice Young Centre for Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Research, and Associate Professor of OBHR at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia. He is a HIBAR Research Alliance Fellow, former Associate Editor of Administrative Science Quarterly, and former Division Chair of the Academy of Management OMT Division.