Occupational health and safety regulatory interventions to improve the work environment: An evidence and gap map of effectiveness studies

John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Abstract: Unsafe and unhealthy working conditions lead to injuries and financial losses across the globe, resulting in a need for research into effective work environment interventions. The objective of this evidence and gap map (EGM) is to provide an overview of existing systematic reviews and primary studies examining the effects of occupational health and safety regulatory interventions. The included studies for this report consist of six systematic reviews, 28 primary effect studies, and three on-going studies. The interactive map shows that the largest cluster of studies is located in the inspection activity domain, while the sickness absence outcome domain and the intervention categories for training initiatives and formulation of regulatory standards are only scarcely populated. Additionally, the AMSTAR-appraisal suggests a lack of rigorous systematic reviews and meta-analyses. More research in the form of primary studies and rigorous systematic reviews is needed to provide stakeholders with better guidance as to what constitutes the most efficient regulatory approaches to improve the work environment.

Co-authors: Anja Bondebjerg, Trine Filges, Jan Hyld Pejtersen, Malene Wallach Kildemoes, Hermann Burr, Peter Hasle, Emile Tompa, Elizabeth Bengtsen


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Campbell Systematic Reviews

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