A Better Tomorrow Starts with Better Work Today: Improving Work for Post-Pandemic Workers | Annual CIRA Conference (2023)

When and Where

Saturday, May 27, 2023 9:00 am to Monday, May 29, 2023 5:00 pm
York University


Industrial relations (IR) scholarship will play a pivotal role in resolving future work-related challenges and building a better post-pandemic world of work. The 60th annual Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA) conference will examine IR’s proposed solutions, with a particular emphasis on how work can be improved in a post-COVID era marked by economic uncertainty, high inflation, and rising worker discontent.

As we explore the future, the conference will also reflect on how sixty years of industrial relations scholarship and activism in Canada has contributed to improving government policymaking in the area of labour and employment, from increasing the performance of firms, to bettering the lives of working people. 

The conference will be hosted by York University (Toronto) on the 27th, 28th, and 29th of May 2023. Researchers from all fields (labour relations, human resource management, labour economics, organizational psychology, etc.) whose work addresses questions related to work and employment were invited to submit one or more proposals for a paper, workshop, or symposium related to our core themes (listed in the call for papers), or centered around a theme of their own choosing. The call-for-papers submission period is now closed.


Call for Papers, Awards and Travel Scholarship Details: PDF iconEnglish and PDF iconFrench
Tentative Conference Program (subject to change): PDF iconEnglish and French