UTM & UTSC Transfer Students

Information for current UTM/UTSC students who have applied for admission to the Faculty of Arts and Science (St George Campus) in 2017 and are seeking admission to the Employment Relations program in 2017.

UTM/UTSC students interested in ‘transferring’ to the Faculty of Arts and Science must first apply for admission consideration to the Faculty of Arts and Science and meet the minimum admission requirements established by Enrolment Services (formerly known as the Admissions and Awards Office.)  The Industrial Relations and Human Resources Program Office does not administer this process. Those wishing to be considered for admission to the Employment Relations major/specialist program need to select the  “St. George Campus, Social Sciences” stream on the application form and identify Industrial Relations and Human Resources as the preferred program of study. 

Students admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Science will have their previous undergraduate studies assessed for transfer credits. This is done by the Transfer Credit Office, Faculty of Arts and Science. Procedural information will be included with your offer of admission.  The Industrial Relations and Human Resources Program Office does not administer this process.

If you identified Employment Relations as the preferred program of study on your application your request for admission to this program will be considered provided you meet the following requirements:

For the major:
You have been granted a minimum 4.0 transfer credits (from UTM/UTSC)  including the following  2.0 transfer credits:

Applying after first year:   ECO100Y1 (or ECO105Y1) and 1 FCE from SOC101Y1SOC102H1/SOC103H1/PSY100H1.  It is expected that a combined average of 65% will be required for admission in 2017.

Applying after second year: ECO100Y1 (or ECO105Y1) and 1.0 FCE  SOC200+ level course (taken in 20169-20171). It is expected that a combined average of 70% will be required for admission in 2017.

For the specialist:
You have been granted a minimum 4.0 transfer credits (from UTM/UTSC)  including the following 2.0 transfer credits:

For ECO100 we require both micro and macro Economics.

Important Notes:

  1. If you did not request Employment Relations as your preferred program on your transfer application you may submit a request on-line by the program application deadline deadline (May 17).  Refer to this page for detailed instructions. Requests for admission to the Employment Relations program will be considered during this period only.  This means that summer course results will not be used for admission to this program.   If you have missed the deadline contact our office to see if we can consider a late request.
  2. This is a limited enrolment program that can only accommodate a limited number of students. Eligibility will be based on a student’s mark in the required courses listed above. The precise mark thresholds outlined above are an estimate of what will be required in the 2017 program admission cycle. Achieving the minimum mark thresholds does not guarantee admission to the  Employment Relations program in any given year.
  3. Students applying to this program are strongly advised to enroll in a in a backup program or programs.  Students whose program request is refused will be covered by their backup plan.

If you require assistance or further information regarding Enrolment Services and Transfer Credits please contact the following offices directly:

Enrolment Services or 416 978 2190
Transfer Credit Information